Our educational approach
The MIJE is an association dedicated to community education which fully conforms to the notion of citizen education and listening to the world. Our ambition is to provide a “school of travel“, developing a specific approach to learning about mobility, using our activities in tandem with strategies used by education professionals, in formal and informal education. Read below about two tangible manifestations of this ambition.
Support for all project initiators
Our association is committed to supporting any project initiator who wants to develop an educational project focused on mobility. From departure to return, our contributions are both conceptual and practical in order to help young people co-construct their project in a rational manner. Because our interventions take place within a regional framework, the support we provide can be conducted in close collaboration with the project initiators.
Provision of pedagogical tools for educational purposes
These pedagogical tools for educational purposes are available for developing the psychosocial skills of young people. It should be noted that these materials contribute to the common base of knowledge, skills and culture that structure and qualify the aims of French Education teaching throughout compulsory schooling.
In this way, our services are synonymous with learning about republican citizenship. As embodied in particular by our edutainment materials, focusing on fellowship and solidarity is both a challenge and one of the objectives of the school trip experience.
Making an impact on the individual in order to interact with the group in any educational act carried out individually and collectively. Moreover, equal access to mobility experiences is the analogous condition for the possibility of thinking and acting with complete freedom and responsibility.