Legal information
Head office of the association: 13 boulevard Beaumarchais – 75004 PARIS
Tel (33) 1 42 74 23 45 – Fax (33) 1 42 74 08 93 –
SIRET (head office): 78424402200074
Intracommunity VAT N°: FR85784244022
Association founded in 1958 Recognised as a Public Utility Association
Accreditation Jeunesse & Education Populaire N°75 JEP 04-193 – Member of the Fédération Française Pour l’UNESCO (FFPU) – National Education Accreditation
Tourism Registration N°IM 075 10 0395
Financial Guarantee: UNAT-FMS – HISCOX RC Insurer Contract N°HA RCP0323871 (5 000 000 € ).
Agent: IATA, SNCF, Deutsche Bahn
Computer law and freedom
The personal information collected by forms on this site is necessary for the processing of its purpose. In accordance with the law n°78-17 of 06/01/1978, we guarantee you a right of access, modification and deletion of data concerning you. To exercise this right, please send a letter to MIJE – 13 boulevard Beaumarchais -75004 Paris – FRANCE specifying your name, first name and address.
To find out more about our privacy policy and the management of cookies
Publisher information
Owner of the domain name : MIJE
Site publisher : MIJE
Director of publication: Rémy VERNAY
Administration of the site : Rémy VERNA
C.N.I.L. declaration : 31/03/2005 under n° 1085668
Protection of the site
The content of the site is protected by application of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and the legislative and regulatory provisions in force. Thus the elements present on this site are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, copy, adaptation, publication, distribution, broadcasting and or use, on any medium whatsoever, of the said elements that has not been previously authorised by the MIJE is strictly forbidden. The civil and criminal liability of the offender may be engaged in the event of non-compliance with these rules.
Website hosting
This website is hosted by OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France –