
Special Conditions of Sale - Group transport tickets

MIJE – Maisons Internationales de La Jeunesse et des Etudiants is a recognised public-interest association founded in 1958, authorised under Youth & Popular Education with the No. 75 JEP 04-193, whose registered office is located at 13 boulevard Beaumarchais – 75004 PARIS – France, and listed in the registry of travel agents and other tour operators under the No. IM 075 10 0395 (Atout France).

National Education Accreditation – Affiliate Member of the FFPU

Financial Guarantor: UNAT-FMS 8 rue César Franck – 75015 PARIS. Insurer: RC HISCOX – Contract No. HA RCP0323871 (5 000 000 €).

To contact us : Telephone : +33 (0) 1 42 74 23 45 – Mail :


All ticketing orders must be confirmed by payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount of the quote.

These Special Terms and Conditions of Sale relating to our Transport Partners (‘STC’) apply to ‘dry’ group ticketing bookings in addition to the MIJE’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale (‘GTC’) for Group Travel.

This document is provided for your information.
The conditions and fees indicated in these GTC only concern the cost of purchasing tickets. The cost of booking and sending tickets (already sent), as well as the membership fee, will always be retained in the event of cancellation.

Rail ticketing


Total cancellation

  • From booking up to 15 days before departure = penalty of €19 per journey for the whole group
    From 14 days before departure = 100% deduction per journey

Cancellation of participants

  • In the event of a reduction in the number of participants up to 15 days before departure: €19 charge per change per journey, regardless of the number of people cancelled per change.
    From 14 days before departure = 100% deductions per journey
  • On regional train journeys no reduction in headcount possible

Each modification requires the cancellation of the ticket with a €19 charge and the reservation of a new ticket at the fare in force on the day of the modification.



 Annulation totale ou annulation de participants au voyage

  • Jusqu’à 46 jours du départ : pas de pénalité
  • De 45 à 12 jours avant le départ = 50 % de retenues
  • A partir de 11 jours avant le départ = 100 % de retenues

 Le tarif groupe est valable pour 10 personnes minimum. Les annulations de participant entrainant une baisse d’effectif à 9 personnes ne seront pas prises en compte

Total cancellation or cancellation of trip participants

  • Up to 46 days before departure: no penalty
  • 45 to 12 days before departure = 50% deductions
  • From 11 days before departure = 100% deductions

The group rate is valid for a minimum of 10 people. Cancellations by participants reducing the number of participants to 9 will not be taken into account.

TGV LYRIA (Switzerland)

 Total cancellation or cancellation of trip participants

  • From booking to 30 days before departure = 20% deduction
  • From 29 to 12 days before departure = 30% deductions
  • From 11 days before departure = 100% deductions

The group rate is valid for a minimum of 10 people. Cancellations by participants reducing the number of participants to 9 will not be taken into account.



 Annulation totale ou annulation de participants au voyage

  • De la réservation à 30 jours du départ = 25% de retenues
  • De 29 à 12 jours avant le départ = 50 % de retenues
  • A partir de 11 jours avant le départ = 100 % de retenues

 Le tarif groupe est valable pour 10 personnes minimum. Les annulations de participant entrainant une baisse d’effectif à 9 personnes ne seront pas prises en compte

Total cancellation or cancellation of trip participants

  • From booking to 30 days before departure = 25% deduction
  • 29 to 12 days before departure = 50% deductions
  • 11 days or more before departure = 100% cancellation charge

The group rate is valid for a minimum of 10 people. Cancellations by participants reducing the number of participants to 9 will not be taken into account.


EUROSTAR Paris London and continental routes – Travel from 4 November 2024 inclusive

Total cancellation or cancellation of trip participants

  • Up to 30 days = 20% deductions
  • Between 30 days and 8 days before departure = 50% deductions
  • From 7 days before departure = 100% deductions

The group rate is valid for a minimum of 10 people. Cancellations by participants reducing the number of participants to 9 will not be taken into account.

For trips before 4 November 2024, cancellation conditions will be specified on the quote. They vary according to the destination and the level of the group fare booked.


We remind you that the MIJE are only agents for the rail companies. In the event of disruption, delay or cancellation, the rail companies are obliged to assist you on the trains and at the station.

If you wish to make a complaint on your return, it is essential that you have made contact with local staff on the train or at the station and that you have kept all your tickets.

+33 (0)1 42 74 23 45
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